Bassam Awad

Dr. Bassam Awad is currently working at the Central Bank of Jordan, which is the monetary authority in Jordan. He worked at CEFA as a research associate from August 2006 to June 2010. He holds a PhD in Economics from Florida State University; his dissertation was titled "Essays in Fiscal Policy: Computational Accuracy and Optimal Investments in Public, Private, and Human Capital". He received an MA in Economics from Yarmouk University in Jordan (1993), an MBA from the University of Jordan (1997), and an MS in Economics from Florida State University (2006). Before joining CEFA, he worked at the Central Bank of Jordan for more than 12 years. In his work at CEFA, he performed different tasks related to projects such as "Goliath Grouper Study: A Survey Analysis of Dive Shop and Charter Boat Operators in Florida," "The Tallahassee Economic, Quality of Life and Investment Climate," "Marketing and Economic Study of CNS Services in Cairo, Georgia," "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Florida," "Eb-5 Regional Centers Economic Impact Analysis," "Coastal Training Programs of Florida Needs Assessment," "Assessment of Student Learning in a Laboratory Setting: A Quantitative Study of Inquiry-based versus Traditional Science Teaching Methods," the first two phases of the "Assistance Project for Wakulla County OSTDS and Decentralized Wastewater Systems Management Program," and the Cap-and-Trade project for Florida.