Economics Web Sites
- EconData This site lists more than 400 links to socioeconomic data sources and a top 10 list of sites. The data collections section includes tools, compendia, and intermediaries to give visitors access to multiple data sources.
- Economagic This comprehensive site offers free, easily available economic time series data useful for economic research, particularly economic forecasting. Students are given easy access to large amounts of data and can get charts of that data.
- Federal Reserve Information and Data offers information about the Federal Reserve and the economy.
- U.S. Census Bureau This site provides in-depth information on population, households, economic indicators, sectors in the economy, statistical abstracts, and more.
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics LABSTAT, the Bureau of Labor Statistics public database, provides current and historical data for 26 surveys of labor market, prices, and related conditions, as well as press releases.
- U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of Economic Analysis This page provides links to summary Bureau of Economic Analysis data and to articles based on the data: national programs, including the national income and product accounts (GDP, personal income, etc.) and gross product by industry; international programs, including balance of payments accounts; U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States; and regional programs, including state personal income.
- EconLit This site provides the American Economic Association's bibliography of economics literature throughout the world. EconLit contains abstracts, indexing, and links to full-text articles in economics journals and abstracts books and indexes articles in books, working papers series, and dissertations. It also provides the full text of book reviews from the Journal of Economic Literature.
- NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research
- EDIRC: Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers
- A comprehensive search engine for researchers and economics students.
CEFA Documentation
- CEFA Criteria and Process, November 2006
- Revised Promotion Criteria (pdf 129.76 kB) 2014
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