David Glassner

David Glassner

David Glassner holds a MS in Environmental Politics from UCF in which his thesis addressed the environmental and economic impact of fisheries directly related to Panamanian waters. Crucial to this thesis was an internship at the headquarters for the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) in Panama City, Panama. Having lived in Panama previous, he was well aware of the environmental and economic issues in the region. His internship included participation in the plenary meetings that resulted in the creation of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES). During this time he was tasked with organizing an assessment of Caribbean nations and their total value of ecosystem services as a way of providing monetary value to the environment to create better conservation and use policy at the local and state levels. David earned his Bachelor's in Economics and Political Science at FSU. He was a previous member of the CEFA team as a researcher and contributed to numerous reports and studies with the organization.